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How to use EasyParcel as Non-Shopee Supported Logistics (Non-SSL)?

What is Non-SSL?

Shopee orders can be shipped using either Shopee Supported Logistics (SSL) or Non-Shopee Supported Logistics (Non-SSL). SSL refers to third-party logistics providers partnered directly with Shopee, ensuring integrated shipping services. On the other hand, Non-SSL logistics providers, such as EasyParcel, are external services chosen by the seller for their shipments.

SSL vs EasyParcel

For a quick comparison between Shopee Supported Logistics logistics and EasyParcel services, refer to the table below. 

Shopee Supported LogisticsEasyParcel
International ServiceNot AvailableAvailable
Pickup ServiceOnly available to sellers with a minimum average daily order count of 10 paid orders per day.No minimum order requirement 
Tracking Number
Automatically shared on ShopeeAutomatically synched to Shopee
Tracking DetailsDisplayed on ShopeeDisplayed on EasyParcel

Before shipping via EasyParcel, you should submit a Non-Shopee Supported Logistics Application to Shopee to enable Other Logistics Provider option. Please click here to learn more details. You can view the below articles to learn more about Non-Shopee logistics: 

How to fulfill Shopee orders?


You may integrate EasyParcel with your Shopee account to smooth the order fulfilment process. 

Cancelling Shipments:

After the shipment is successfully generated, the tracking number will be synchronized to Shopee, and the Shopee order status will be triggered to Shipping, that is, the shipment cannot be cancelled on Shopee. At this time you can only re-create one Shopee order. For non-SSL shipments, please remember to cancel the shipment on EasyParcel to avoid additional charges. For SSL shipments, cancellation is not available on EasyParcel.


For SSL shipments, shipping costs are settled directly with Shopee. In contrast, for non-SSL shipments using services like EasyParcel, shipping costs are deducted from your EasyParcel credit upon successful shipment booking.

EasyParcel is the author of this solution article.

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