EasyParcel (Malaysia) Help Centre

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  • How to claim an EasyParcel coupon code?

    EasyParcel allows you to check for delivery rates from different courier companies and book delivery online. If you're reading this, congratulations for being the lucky one to get yourself some incredibly alluring coupons from us! E...

  • Can I convert coupon to money?

    Coupons are typically offered as a way to incentivize users to use the EasyParcel platform and avail of our services. These coupons can be used to get discounts on shipping rates or other services offered by EasyParcel. It is important...

  • How long do coupons last?

    The duration for which a coupon is valid on EasyParcel can vary depending on the terms and conditions of the promotion or offer. Generally, coupons offered by EasyParcel have an expiration date that ranges from a few days to a few weeks...

  • What does each coupon status mean?

    Active Coupons that show an 'Active' status means that the coupon can be applied at checkout and get a discount on the users overall shipment. Used Coupons that show a 'Used' status means that the coupon has be...

  • How many times I can use for a coupon code?

    The number of times a coupon can be applied at checkout is dependent on the coupon's term's and condition or the quantity that is shown. You can view your coupon's terms and conditions/ quantity such as shown below: For ex...

  • How do I check all my current coupons?

    To view all the coupons that are available to you, go to your dashboard > 'Account'. After that, click on 'Coupons' where you will be able to view all the coupons that are available to you, along with the quantity...

  • What is an EasyParcel coupon code?

    We'll Cover: What is a coupon code? How user's can get a coupon code? How to claim a coupon code? What does each coupon status mean? How long do coupons last? How many times can I use a coupon code? What is a coupon...

  • Will my coupon be refunded if my shipment order is cancelled?

    Unfortunately, once your coupon is used, you will be unable to obtain the same coupon back. To prevent this from happening, you may ensure the following: Check that the sender and receivers details are correct, and double check dur...