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How to cancel the On-Demand Delivery order?

How to cancel my On-Demand delivery order?

Unfortunately, once payment has been made for your On-Demand delivery order, no cancellation can be made except for the scenario where no driver has been assigned to the order yet. If your On-Demand delivery order is not assigned yet, you may follow these steps to cancel the order:

Step 1: Go to "Manage Parcel", click "On-Demand Delivery". Look for the order that you intend to cancel, and click "Cancel".

Step 2: Click "OK" to proceed.

Are there any cancellation fees on On-Demand delivery orders?

If a user cancels an on-demand delivery order after a driver has been assigned to the order and is en route to pick up the order, or after the driver has arrived, cancellation fees may be applied to the cancelled order.

Why can't I cancel my On-Demand delivery order?

While it is possible to cancel your On-Demand delivery orders, there are scenarios where you couldn't, including:

Scenario 1: Your On-Demand delivery order has been assigned to a driver
Scenario 2: Your On-Demand delivery order has been picked up and is on its way to your chosen destination

EasyParcel is the author of this solution article.

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