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What each e-Invoice status means?


In today’s digital age, e-Invoice, or electronic invoicing, revolutionizes the way businesses manage their financial transactions which also improves business efficiency and increases tax compliance. Thus, at EasyParcel, we ensure that our customers are able to access this convenient feature smoothly.

Understanding e-Invoice Statuses

Whether you've just made a new top up for your account or are planning to, requesting an e-Invoice is essential for your tax compliance. On the "Statement" page, each transaction may display different statuses. Understanding these statuses is crucial to managing your financial records effectively. Explore below to learn what each status means and how you can take action.

StatusWhat it Means?Solutions
This transaction is available to request for e-InvoiceClick on the status to proceed with filling out the required form for your e-Invoice. 
Your e-Invoice has been successfully submitted and is currently awaiting processing by the government's systems.Please be patient while the government completes their processing. You can check back periodically for updates on the status of your e-Invoice.
This transaction does not meet the eligibility criteria for an e-Invoice. Click on "Learn More" to understand why this transaction is not eligible for an e-Invoice. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Unfortunately, we are unable to proceed with generating your e-Invoice at this time.We apologize for any inconvenience caused. There may be several reasons for this issue. Please click on "Contact Us" to reach our support team, who will be happy to assist you further.
Your e-Invoice has been successfully generated and is ready for download.Congratulations! You can now access and download your e-Invoice by following the provided link.

Important Notice Regarding E-Invoice Form Submission

When filling out the form for your e-Invoice, please take note of the following:

  • Ensure your billing details are submitted within 13 days before your transaction's e-Invoice expires. 
  • For transactions occurring on the last day of the month, submit your billing details today to avoid expiration the following day (the next month).
EasyParcel is the author of this solution article.

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