Setting Up 91APP Integration
Step 1: Click on “Tools”.
Step 2: Click “Bulk Delivery Tools”.
Step 3: Click on “91APP.
Step 4: “Fill Up Details” and click “Submit” and your integration is completed. Remember to copy the “API Key/Integration ID” as well. (API Key/Integration ID will be pasted on 91APP end)
Step 5: Click “Your Stores” and make sure your 91APP is “Activated”.
Step 6: Login to your 91APP account >click on “Store” > “Payment & Shipping” > “EasyParcel Service”. Key in your API Key/Integration ID
Step 7: Once activated, you can go to “Orders” > “Shipping”. Select order you want to process and click on the “Shipping” button.
Step 8: Make sure your Shipping Method is “Ship with EasyParcel” and with completed shipping details before booking.
Step 9: A list of courier option will be given to choose from. Select your preferred courier and click “Fulfill”.
Step 10: Once the booking’s successfully made, click on “Print Waybill”.