How do I book a domestic parcel order using Upload File (Bulk Parcel)?
At EasyParcel, bulk parcel is a massive help when you have large quantities of parcels to dispatch.
Simply fill in the delivery details into the bulk parcel template and upload it to our system and we will take care of the rest. The best part is, you can now upload delivery bookings up to 300 items at a time.
Follow the steps below. But first log in or sign up for an account.
Step 1: Select “Bulk Parcel” on the dashboard or click “Send Parcel > Bulk Parcel”.
Step 2: Download the bulk parcel template.
Step 3: Fill in details in the template. This includes:
- Parcel content - describe your parcel content correctly. For example, "H&M men’s sweather" instead of "shirt".
- Value of goods (RM) - fill in accurate parcel value to ensure a smooth delivery process. It will be kept confidential.
- Weight (kg)
- Pick up date
- Sender details
- Receiver details
- Courier company and alternative courier company - If your primary courier is not ready in your area, we'll push the shipments to your 2nd favorite courier automatically.
- Tracking SMS - Send tracking details to receiver through SMS.
- Tracking WhatsApp - Send tracking details to receiver through WhatsApp.
- Drop off at courier branch - select "Yes" if you wish to drop off at courier branch instead of pick up.
- Item HS Code (optional): (harmonized commodities description & coding system) were created international use by the customs department to classify commodities when they are being declared at the custom frontiers by exporters and importers. For eg: the HS code for a book is 4820 20 000. View more.
- Reference
Step 4: Click “Import Order” and select the bulk parcel template from your file.
Step 5: Click "Next" once all orders have been uploaded.
Step 6: Confirm your orders and click "Check Out".
Step 7: Make payment as usual.
Step 8: You're done. Simply click "Print All AWB" to print out your air waybills.
If you've missed out step 8:-
Step 1: you may head over to “All Parcels > Parcel Status”.
Step 2: Look for your orders. Multi-select and click "Download" > "Download AWB" to download the air waybills in bulk. You can also click on the printer icon to download it one by one.
In a hurry of making tons of orders at once? Check out our newly added feature - Bulk Express for a shorter waiting time and faster orders upload speed!